Level 23: Repairing the Shattered Heart Chamber


When “911” is brought up, have you ever felt a deep ache in your heart?  Sometimes this ache is so strong we have wondered if there was something physically wrong with us. In looking at this closer, we have discovered our hearts had been shattered into fragments and sub-fragments.  It appears as though our chest area and heart was sprayed with a chemical like liquid nitrogen which freezes the tissue solid, then shattered into a billion pieces. This was another form of control and a way to keep us from achieving life’s purpose.  This originally happened eons ago but appears to have happened many times.

When your heart chamber is allowed to assist you in orchestrating your life rather than your mind, everything becomes more in tune with like energies.  The project that you have chosen to do, and the individuals you will be working with, will be a part of the same vibration.  You will all be on the same page working toward the same goal.  When more people shift their belief system to this new way of thinking, and begin to live according to that belief, conflict will begin to fade.  Your life will be more fluid. You will be transformed.  With this transition, everything around you can’t help but change. Cost $777.77

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Repairing the Shattered Heart Chamber

With all the changes that are taking place around us politically with our country and other countries we are finding it extremely difficult to find the truth with the actions that have been taking place.  If a person makes decisions totally from their head or their emotions, appears to be correct.  Think of the trauma that happened on “911.”   The energy of “911” keeps being brought up again and again to keep a lower vibration strong and to keep people locked in the old paradigm of fear.  When “911” is brought up, have you ever felt a deep ache in your heart?  Sometimes this ache is so strong we have wondered if there was something physically wrong with us.

In looking at this closer, we have discovered our hearts had been shattered into fragments and sub-fragments.  It appears as though our chest area and heart was sprayed with a chemical like liquid nitrogen which freezes the tissue solid, then shattered into a billion pieces. It is like our hearts were imploded to the extent that we were scattered over thousands of miles depending on how strong the wind current was.  This was another form of control and a way to keep us from achieving life’s purpose.  This originally happened eons ago but appears to have happened many times.

In the early part of 2002 an energy gate opened and at that time some of the energy blockages were released from around your heart, as well as from the back of your head.  These blockages were originally designed to keep your energy dense and hold back our conscious connection to God or Source until a certain vibrational rate was met. It was not until these blockages were removed with our increased vibrational rate that we realized something was amiss. That certain vibrational rate now has been met as a result of the last few levels of our work and other work that you have done.  Now we have a good look at the damage that was done eons ago.  No wonder we have had difficulty this lifetime.  No wonder, no wonder, no wonder……

We can now rebuild the heart area and through the exercises provided, assist you in opening the various chambers of your heart as well as the rib cage, lungs diaphragm and any other parts of your body that was imploded along with your heart.

We all have been working very hard at operating from a neutral state without judgment.  Our logical mind has a tendency to work in a polarized way – light/dark, right/wrong, left brain/right brain, hot/cold.  In the past most people have set their intent (prayed/meditated) for what “should” or “should not” happen.  The way our world works requires that when something is created with a charge in one polarity, the opposite must be created as well, to balance the charge.

By having the heart chamber put back together, we will be able to set our intent, prayers or feelings in a non-polar way.  Words are not applied to our intent, only feelings.  This way of setting our intent invites us to feel the appreciation and gratitude in our heart center as if our intent had already been answered, even if the world appears to show us otherwise.

When your heart is fully open and functioning, there will be no such thing as disagreement.  There are simply infinite variances upon the same, one theme.  You have the ability to get into the rhythm of the “One” heart beat, and your heart begins to beat in rhythm with this simple truth.  You do not have to expend your personal energy policing and judging things.  Your time and energy spent in this way can be re-allocated to other endeavors.

The shifts and changes are born of a higher vibration and can only begin manifesting when humankind lets go if its addiction to ego-centered control and simply begins to flow as it was originally designed within you.  Your heart and other hearts are opening and becoming knit-together through and unknown form of communication.  With this realization, we are gaining another piece of ourself that will get us another step closer to finding out who we really are. You will begin to see old things as never before.  The only thing you will need to change is how you perceived things in the past.

The vibratory rate of Earth has reached such a velocity that our brain and nervous system has had a difficult time keeping up.  You may have noticed that there has been an increase of nervous disorders and deaths that are said to be caused by heart failure.  Be assured, your heart does not fail, it simply chooses whether or not you are ready to change to match this new vibration or you are choosing to depart your world to seek another one that is more suited to your need.

We were watching a television show this week where they were trying to make water less dense.  The purpose in doing this was to allow an object to be dropped onto the water without smashing the objects that was being dropped. The way they solved this problem was to add air bubbles to the water, making the water less dense – the more bubbles that were added the less damage was done to the object being dropped to the surface of the water. Compare this to thinking your body bigger…  The larger the gap that you can imaging between all of your cells, the easier it is to assimilate the vibrational rates being sent to us or as the Earths vibrational rate adjusts, it is easier for us to adjust to this shift.  This will help you get with the flow of everything. (You could even do this exercise while you imagine yourself floating in water with air bubbles coming up from beneath you; this sounds like fun to me.)

When your heart chamber is allowed to assist you in orchestrating your life rather than your mind, everything becomes more in tune with like energies.  The project that you have chosen to do, and the individuals you will be working with, will be a part of the same vibration.  You will all be on the same page working toward the same goal.  When more people shift their belief system to this new way of thinking, and begin to live according to that belief, conflict will begin to fade.  Your life will be more fluid.

How many of you have gone on a vacation that you have planned and scheduled every minute of your vacation time? We have done this only to have things come in the way of original plan, like cancelled flights, missed plane connections, someone getting sick, get stuck in a snow storm, etc.  How did you react to these situations?

Now, if obstacles appear to be blocking the attainment of some goal, the obstacles will no longer be looked at as an enemy.  You should look at the obstacle as a sign that you have gotten a little off course and you need to make a few adjustments in order to go forward.  Get centered and go into your heart chamber to re-examine the direction you want to go.

At your own rate and in your own timing, the lines that border your reality will begin to fade.  Within the face of every person and imprinted upon every object, you will notice the seams of that common fabric of which all stories are cut. You will be transformed.  With this transition, everything around you can’t help but change.


Price: $777.77

If you have any questions, please email us at drsmick@drsmick.com; or if you are “committed” to doing this work, go to your PayPal account, enter our PayPal account information [drsmick@drsmick.com], choose friends and family, and put in the appropriate amount.



Copyright notice: Copyright © 2008-2017 Drs. Mick, Drs. Loren & Diane Mickelson. All rights reserved. This information may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided that there is no charge for the information and provided that this notice is attached. When using an edited or partial version of this material please clearly state that this is an edited version and refer the reader to the full original version.

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