Level 01: Crystal Removal


Crystal implants were at one time physically implanted in your body to impose limitations upon you.  They now appear in the etheric body as imprints and may be keeping you from going forward in this lifetime.  We can remove these imprints (limitations), allowing you to do, see, and feel things you have previously been unable to do in this lifetime.  People describe an unshakable inner calm after they have had them removed. Cost $150.00

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Crystal Removal

Crystal implants were at one time physically implanted in your body to impose limitations upon you. They now appear in the etheric body as imprints and may be keeping you from going forward in this lifetime. We can remove these imprints (limitations), allowing you to do, see, and feel things you have previously been unable to do in this lifetime. People describe an unshakable inner calm after they have had them removed. When you have level one done, you will receive a form stating where all the crystals (blockages) were located in your body (this form will differentiate between the earlier implants (Starseed, Mu, Lemuria) and the later implants (Atlantis). A brief statement as to your purpose in those lifetimes will be provided. A sample of the Crystal Systems will follow the Crystal Removal Form You will also receive additional information on what to do next.

If you choose to do this work, we will need your full name, birth date, address, and phone number.

When you have level one done, you will receive a form stating where all the crystals (blockages) were located in your body (this form will differentiate between the earlier implants (Starseed, Mu, Lemuria) and the later implants (Atlantis). A brief statement as to your purpose in those lifetimes will be provided. A sample of the Crystal Systems will follow the Crystal Removal Form. You will also receive additional information on what to do next.

Sample Form: Level I – Crystal Removal
Name      ____________________________  Birthdate ____________Date: ____________________________Starseed, Mu, Lemrian Eras (whichever were marked)
Starseed ___  Mu ___ Lemuria ___
Total Systems: __________Total Crystals: __________A system is made up a group of crystals… total is counting all crystals in all systems.
Atlantis ______
Total Atlantian Implants: __________(Master Crystals)
Your purpose in THOSE eras: ___________________________________
________________________________________________________Starseed, Mu or Lemurian Systems                Atlantian Implants      Front Back
In the order of implantation                    Master Crystals
Root ___                                               Root         ___   ___
2nd Chakra ___                                    2nd Chakra      ___   ___
Solar Plexus ___                                   Solar Plexus    ___   ___
Diapgragm ___                                     Diapgragm         ___   ___
Respiratory ___                                    Respiratory       ___   ___
Heart ___                                             Heart      ___   ___
Thymus ___                                          Thymus        ___   ___
Throat ___                                            Throat         ___   ___
3rd Eye ___                                          3rd Eye      ___   ___
Crown ___                                           Crown        ___   ___
Endocrine ___                                      Well of Dreams         ___
Lymph Glands ___                               Cheeks      ___ L R
Skeletal System ___                             Ears             ___ L R
Outer Extrem ___                                 Elbows      ___ L R
Chakra System ___                              Wrist          ___ L R
Skin ___                                              Hands         ___ L R
Other ___                                            Fingers         ___ L 12345 R 12345
Knees       ___ Back L R Front L R
Ankles      ___ Inside L R Outside L R


Sample Form: Crystal Systems When implants were being planned for an individual, we feel that the people doing the implants planned and programmed the crystals that would correlate with the chakra, skeletal, respiratory, endocrine and circulatory systems.Chakra System:  1st Chakra or Root Chakra (womb to 12 months) Everything that happens to us or our parents while we are in-utero and newly born is locked into our first chakra. In a nutshell, core issues regarding emotional insecurity and physical security originate in this chakra, as do spiritual perceptions that relate to our right to exist and have our needs met. These core issues become issues regarding career, money, primal feelings, addictions, family of origin, and sexuality at later dates. The body, foundation, survival, roots, grounding, nourishment, trust, health, home, family, prosperity, creativity. Mental Belief – Affects those relating to inherited beliefs, gender legacies, safety, and survival. Feeling Component – Origin of feelings and about self and the world, the right to exist, and primal feelings such as guilt, terror, rage, joy and shame. Physical Processes – Body and structure developed; affects all processes governing survival. Spiritual Perceptions – relates to commitments to life, acceptance of spiritual help and our basic intuitive abilities. Relates to trust in others and awareness of basic needs.Core of worth issues. 2nd Chakra (6 months to 24 months)
Change, movement, flow, sensation, pleasure, emotion, need, desire, The shadow, guilt, duality, sexuality. Mental Belief – Awareness of feelings and the right to express them; world/family vies about gender roles and sensuality issues. Beliefs about expression and creativity. Feeling component – Development of subtle feelings, choices about which feeling bodies to activate and which to become numb. Physical Processes – Growth, motor skills, owning of our own body and its subtle needs; ability to motivate our own body; development of sensuality. Spiritual Perceptions – Development of trusts in self and our own feelings, plus empathy and beliefs about the right to express and feel. Root of the right to be creative and expressive.3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus (18 months to 4 years)
Energy, activity Autonomy, authority, individuation, will, self-esteem, shame, proactivity, power4th Chakra or Heart Chakra (4 years to 7 years)
Love, balance, self-reflection, self-acceptance, relationships, intimacy, anima/animus, Eros/thantos, grief compassion, devotion5th Chakra or Throat Chakra (7 years to 12 years)
Symbolic thinking, resonance, etheric body, communication, the voice, truth and lies, creativity6th Chakra or Third Eye (adolescence)
Pattern recognition, Archetypes, symbols, images, dreams, intuition, transcendence, vision, clairvoyance, illusion

7th Chakra or Crown Chakra (early adulthood and throughout life)
Consciousness, awareness, the witness, belief systems, operating systems, universal identity, attachment, higher power, transcendence, immanence, divinity, information, intelligence meaning unity

8th Chakra
9th Chakra
10th Chakra
Well of Dreams
Palms of Hands
Bottom of Feet
All joints and some joints more than once especially elbows, wrists, finger tips, knees, and ankles.

Respiratory System
The inability to breathe normally, you have to remember to breathe and could be susceptible to lung problems (asthma, bronchitis, sore throats, shortness of breath, etc.). Being able to breathe deeper helps you stay in your body and helps you to ground.

Endocrine System
The endocrine glands secrete hormones, substances that transmit humoral information (commands) throughout the body.

Circulatory System
The body’s nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The brain and spinal cord comprise the central nervous system. The brain is the site where mental activity occurs, and brain and spinal cord together act as the center for maintaining life. The peripheral nervous system is the communication pathway connecting the central nervous system with the various parts of the body.

Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system performs the important function of protecting the body from infection by pathogens and other causes.



Price: $150.00

If you have any questions, please email us at drsmick@drsmick.com; or if you are “committed” to doing this work, go to your PayPal account, enter our PayPal account information [drsmick@drsmick.com], choose friends and family, and put in the appropriate amount.



Copyright notice: Copyright © 2008-2019 Drs. Mick, Drs. Loren & Diane Mickelson. All rights reserved. This information may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided that there is no charge for the information and provided that this notice is attached. When using an edited or partial version of this material please clearly state that this is an edited version and refer the reader to the full original version.

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