Phase 2 – Chapter 02: Balancing the “new” body


We are rapidly as a human species.  The evolution of our species is a quantum leap to an immortal species with 48 chromosomes that have 12 physical strands of DNA and 10 etheric strands of DNA.  Our three-dimensional biology is being alchemically shifted from carbon-based matter into that of multi-dimensional Silicon Crystal.  All of our cells must be transformed from carbon to crystalline so that we can withstand the tremendous amount of Light that will be streaming into the planet from the Central Sun.

Dr. Max Lagally, a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at eh University of Wisconsin, Madison, theorizes that silicon (crystalline) membranes could bind DNA.  In other words, Silicon can support life.  Internally all our cells are being changed from an organic structure to a crystalline structure, the perfect prism through which light can pass for illumination.  Our crystalline bodies will then convert that sunlight directly into our new source of energy.  Some are comparing this energy form to be like electricity.  This will be what powers us.  We will survive on sunlight and very little food.  Our blood will be more like liquid light.  Our old blood was made up of sodium and chloride (seawater) medium and floating in it are atoms such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.  The liquid light has gold silicon, selenite, platinum and other monatomic atoms.  So our body is the receiver of the light from the central sun in conjunction with the liquid light both providing the means to energetically nourish the body.  Cosmic Rays are the substrate and these come into the body through the crown chakra much like waves, or wind from the central sun and our local sun.  These rays can also flow through energy portals which are received and transmitted to the meridians or electric channels of light running through the whole body.  So we help you to learn how to ground our new crystalline body and to help you stay centered and balanced. Cost $200.00 – $400.00

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Balancing the “new” body

Change, change, change…. Balance, Balance, Balance…. Ground, Ground, Ground…. Are we here or there, up or down, or in or out?  You can’t describe this as being like a roller-coaster ride because we are being pulled in so many different directions all at the same time. We all have heard of the mark of “the Beast” referring to the number 666.  Well there are days that we truly feel like that beast…  In the Periodic Table of the Elements, the atomic number for the carbon element is six.  Carbon is necessary to form all DNA and RNA, the chemical code of life as it currently exists.  And the Carbon atom has six electrons, six neurons and six protons.  So… if you calculate the numbers, could the number of the beast refer to humans?  Just a thought…

As this information is coming together we in the United States are experiencing some extreme hot weather.  Is this happening to help our physical bodies shift more rapidly from a carbon based system to a crystalline (silicon) based system?  Think how a diamond is formed.  It takes extreme pressure and heat to attain the transformation of a diamond.  In the human carbon based body there is the brain and heart, energy centers (chakras), organs, muscles, bone, infrastructure and this is all connected by a tube system-arteries, veins, lymph and nervous system.  With this system, energy was filtered through the chakra system to the physical body.  It was easy for the chakras to be influenced by exterior stimuli and they would need frequent realignments or recalibration.  It was very easy to upset the balance in this system and was very easy to fall into ill health.  As with Level 1; Crystal Implant Removal, the physical body had vulnerabilities, allowing advance implants and other things to create blocks and imprison the light from entering the body.  Now you can truly understand the importance of having your crystals removed.

Dr. Max Lagally, a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, theorizes that silicon (crystalline) membranes could bind DNA.  In other words Silicon can support life.

At this time in history, we are evolving very rapidly as a human species.  The evolution of our species, the Homosapien, is a quantum leap to an immortal species with 48 chromosomes that have 12 physical strands of DNA and 10 etheric strands of DNA.  Our three-dimensional biology is being alchemically shifted from carbon-based matter into that of multi-dimensional Silicon Crystal.  So, all of our cells must be transformed from carbon to crystalline so that we can withstand the tremendous amount of Light that will be streaming into the planet from the Central Sun.  We believe this is happening NOW and will be increasing as we approach 2012.

Internally, if you can imagine, all our cells are being changed from an organic structure to a crystalline structure, the perfect prism through which light can pass for illumination.  Our crystalline bodies will then convert that sunlight directly into our new source of energy.  Some are comparing this energy form to be like electricity.  This will be what powers us.  We will survive on sunlight and very little food.  Our blood will be more like liquid light.  Our old blood was made up of sodium and chloride (seawater) medium and floating in it are atoms such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.  The liquid light has gold silicon, selenite, platinum and other monatomic atoms.

So our crystalline (monocrystalline silicon) body is the receiver of the light from the central sun in conjunction with the liquid light both providing the means to energetically nourish the body.  Cosmic Rays are the substrate and these come into the body through the crown chakra which to us in waves, much like the wind, from the central sun and our local sun.  These rays can also flow through energy portals which are received and transmitted to the meridians or electric channels of light, running through the whole body.

Here is where the problem exists… our bodies are not totally physical or crystalline.  We are teetering now more toward the crystalline and the rules that we knew well that worked for the physical body, no longer apply to the crystalline body.  So there are times that you can do the gold light exercise and it works fine and there are days that it doesn’t.

So this work is about learning a new way to ground our new crystalline body and to help you stay centered and balanced.  As we are in this process over the next several months, you may want us to assist you further with balancing the new crystalline body so we are offering several options with this work.

Option 1: $200.00, with 1 balance.

Option 2: $250.00, with 2 balances

Option 3: $300.00, with 3 balances

Option 4: $400.00, with 4 balances

The balances will be when you feel you need them.  It is a good idea to purchase additional balances with this work because it will save you money down the road.  The regular price for a balance like this is $333.00.  A whole lot of information and detailed exercises will be sent to you.



Option 1 Price: $200.00
Option 2 Price: $250.00
Option 3 Price: $300.00
Option 4 Price: $400.00

If you have any questions, please email us at; or if you are “committed” to doing this work, go to your PayPal account, enter our PayPal account information [], choose friends and family, and put in the appropriate amount.



Copyright notice: Copyright © 2008-2017 Drs. Mick, Drs. Loren & Diane Mickelson. All rights reserved. This information may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided that there is no charge for the information and provided that this notice is attached. When using an edited or partial version of this material please clearly state that this is an edited version and refer the reader to the full original version.

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