Because the world will be focused on this moment – the cosmic gateway of 2012 on Friday December 21st – we have the opportunity to influence the world in a truly inspired way.
The 2012 gateway is not about the END of anything, so much as the BEGINNING of a great new world where positive actions bear fruit like never before. The new cosmic cycles can bring light, harmony, wisdom and peace if we visualize that outcome.
We have the opportunity to choose the path of light; peace, love, spiritual growth, connection, harmony, realization and awakening through our meditation together. The power of visualizing One Heart opens this choice to us.
You are invited to gather with us and participate in our group meditation at the exact moment of the 2012 cosmic gateway on Friday December 21st.
Plan on joining us in ‘spiritspace’ for a 30-minute meditation. We will start 12 minutes before the actual time of the cosmic gateway, which occurs at the moment of the winter solstice.
Now, to give you some times: In U.K. (UTC) time our group mediation on Friday, December 21st will run from 11:00 am until 11:30 am, with the gateway occurring at 11:12 am. The start times for the 30-minute group meditation in other time zones will be as follows.
6 am U.S. Eastern time (and Toronto), 5 am U.S. Central time, 4 am Mountain time (and Calgary), 3 am California time (and Vancouver). (3am!! Yes, but hey, it’s worth getting up that early once every 26,000 years, right?) In Europe it’ll be 12 noon, in South Africa 1 pm, and in India 4:30 pm. In Sydney, Australia it’ll be 10 pm (still on Friday), and 12 midnight in New Zealand.
The Sun: “The evolution of this planetary system is now moving into the next spiral of creation. The Earth, so loved by this planetary system is not and will not be separate from us. Her service to the Whole has been transformative. She has been a shining light of service. She is the example for all of humanity to follow. She is the way, the path for you as a species to emulate. Her example of love and selflessness is to be exemplified. Her magnitude of blessings have been poured over humanity, like a waterfall… like Niagara Falls, like Victoria Falls, the blessings continue to pour forth to humanity. She is indeed a jewel in this planetary system. You have the opportunity to embrace Her. The magnitude of this opportunity is unparalleled. She has opened Her heart to you… to all of you. Embrace Her and all that She has to offer you. Live in Her. Breathe in sync with Her. Place your heart in Her heart. You will blossom in your spiritual awakening. Your understanding will unfold and greatness will be yours.”
This is how to best attune to this cosmic event and set your trajectory through the gateway for a bright and beautiful future.
Use any meditation technique you prefer to go into your inner quiet space, then use the power of gratitude to open your heart to the universal flow of unconditional love. Do this in three phases: Before, during and after the exact moment of the gateway (which occurs 12 minutes into the 30-minute meditation.)
1. For the first few minutes (10 minutes at most), focus on the following.
a) Be thankful to God/Universe/Etc. for the good things in your life and for the good experiences of the past.
b) Then, be thankful to the Sun for the life energy that it brings into our realm from above and supplies freely to all.
c) Then, be thankful to Gaia, the Mother Earth, for our home in space and the good things that she provides. Listen to your heart as it beats in rhythm with the Earth. Breathe with her. Re-read the above Special Message About Gaia at this time. (Now, don’t get bogged down with words… whatever you call earth, ok?)
2. As we pass through the exact timing of the gateway, give thanks for this moment when the cosmic cycles of the last 26,000 years all reset and begin their new, positive phases. Give thanks for the privilege of knowing of this cosmic event and the enormous potential that it provides for our future spiritual growth.
3. Devote the remainder of the 30-minute meditation in silence being aware of your inner source of wisdom and being receptive to its guidance as to how you can flourish spiritually in the new energies that are now coursing through our own part of the cosmos. Now is the time to plan new and bold ventures in spiritual growth. Now is the time to give yourself the opportunities of which you may have only dreamed so far.
Make a decision to come back into this quiet space and develop your own plans for spiritual development in the years ahead. We are here, in this life, to lead the way into spiritual growth so that others may more easily tread the path which we are making today.
Just for now……Make spiritual growth your number one priority.
What some of you may be experiencing physically…
Last night…between 10pm and midnight PST… we were buzzing with a disorienting energy. Dizzy, spaced out, a little nauseous, unable to focus or concentrate, jittery, unsteady and with cold sweats…just feeling pretty unstable, so we went to bed. As soon as we settled in, we tuned into our bodies to be sure all was well (read: confirmation we weren’t dying) and in the middle of a telepathic chat with our cells, we suddenly realized that we weren’t alone in this conversation. We looked at each other and realized this was REAL? Oh My!!!!
We shifted our focus to our surroundings and noticed that we were encircled by a group of ascended masters, each with a special (personal) message for us.
When we asked why they were all hanging out our bedroom, they said…”did you think we would not be present for your commencement ceremony?” HA! well, yea…duh. Of course we thought all of you would be here…
Long story short, we gleaned some pretty cool insights….first of all, we found out that the reason we thought we were physically dying yesterday is because apparently last night the ascension gateway opened. We were told it will be open until Sunday-ish, building in pressure/intensity and that at any time during this opening, we will individually, in our own time, “cross over”. We asked how we would know this by which “they” said…”when you are washed over with a profound peace…a peace that you have not known in this life, but yet are deeply familiar with…you will know that you have arrived.”
Also interesting that each of the ascended masters were all present dressed to the “hilt” and we were told that soon many of us would also put on our “dress-clothes” of honor. We weren’t able to hold the connection for long but they told us to spend as much time as possible resting and that they will be back at some point over the next few days to sort of “escort us over” as transition guides (incidently, each of us will have a team of these guides) so we’ll see what happens.
Also pretty awesome that right before the 12:12:12, we was greeted early one morning by a giant gentle white winged unicorn who bowed down, as if signaling for us to jump on his back (we find unicorns in our lives A LOT since our grandaughter has been intriguied with them). When we asked why for, he said that he was here to “escort us to the rainbow bridge” that was connecting the 12:12 to the 12:21. It was unbelievably humbling…
Many of you are more aware of double numbers appearing to you…
10:10 is the Alpha-Omega number. The number of beginnings and endings, it is full of promise, and of opening to the “Compassionate Heart.”
11:11 means “the Gateway”, it’s the doorway to your evolving self, your place within the current ascension of the planet.
12:12 is the number when the Higher Realms wants to download into your consciousness new ways of being a human being and experiencing life on Earth. It is like the switch, turned on for you to step into your Divine Path to be of service for humanity and every living thing on the planet.