Drs. Mick

Level 12: Universal Chi, Harmony


Universal Chi is an energy that exists beyond the Veil of Fears.  This connection blends all like hearts together as one or in harmony with the All That Is.  In the past many have consistently seen themselves as separate from each other and alone.  There are even times when you are scared of your own shadow or afraid to go outdoors.  You may even bring in forms of phobias to support your feelings.  This is a major piece that we have been looking for but could not find because our physical bodies were too dense to receive this flow of energy.  As a result of this connection, you begin to change, for even as the divine discontent is squeezing the energy together and making those things that used to be comfortable, uncomfortable, it precipitates the change that is necessary for you to see yourselves as infinite or immortal beings. Cost $555.00

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Universal Chi, Harmony

We are a product of the Universe.  This level is the connection that blends all like hearts together as one or in harmony with the All That Is.  Universal Chi is the connection that makes us a part of you.  You consistently see yourselves as separate from each other and alone.  There are even times when you are scared of your own shadow.  You may even bring in forms of phobias to support your feelings.

You are not one of many. You are really many of One.  Open your mouth, God, and speak with authority.

This connection that is performed beyond the Veil of Fears connects all beings and become part of you, you are a part of them, and you are a part of each other.  It is a truth that cannot be denied.  As a result of this connection, you begin to change, for even as the divine discontent is squeezing the energy together and making those things that used to be comfortable, uncomfortable, it precipitates the change that is necessary for you to see yourselves as infinite or immortal beings.  We are finite by nature; we are playing the game of life as finite.  We are in a physical body that carries finite properties that help you to forget that you are truly infinite.  Infinity encompasses everything.  It is All That Is.  The concept of infinite itself is “being without beginning and without end.”  We as human beings have a difficult time with this because it has not been part of our reality up to this point.  You are getting all your cells of the physical body to vibrate in true harmony with the Universe.

Universal Chi is the point where everything blends together as one.  This harmony is what connects the higher self with the lower self, spirit self with the physical self, and the finite with the infinite.  When any one of these pieces expresses their spirit, the sparks go out in all directions.  Universal Chi, harmony begins.  The possibilities start stirring and the creative energies flow.  Everyone is fed from that ignition, starting point, at that moment of creation.

“It is possible to believe that all the past is but the beginning of a beginning, and that all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn.  It is possible to believe that all the human mind has ever accomplished is but the dream before the awakening.”  H. G. Wells

As the Universal Chi begins to flow and you are in harmony with the All That Is, you learn to view the process from a different perspective.  Emulate the infinite creation, and in place of attachment to the outcome, find ways to alter the creation to keep it in a fluid motion.  In the past we have learned to set goals and to be specific about those goals.  To be specific about the points on which you are going to measure the attainment of those goals.

“Death is a grave mistake? Physical immortality takes forever. It is the only cause that you can’t die for.” Leonard Orr

As you have become more balanced and function from a neutral standpoint.  It is time to take the next step.  To change some of the ways you have operated in the past and to visualize the possibilities of a fluid creation (goal) always in motion. You are not attached to any outcome.  In the past, we focused on the goal or outcome which placed the goal rigidly in the linear timeframe.  By learning to create with your infinite self means working with creations that have no end.  Enjoying the ride is one such creation.  You are becoming fifth-dimensional beings.  You are grasping more of the fifth-dimensional ideas and concepts every day.

In a way, when you consider the concept of fluid creation, something that is constantly moving with no end, the burdens of the physical seem to lift.  When you think of a drop of water, it is always moving in some way.  It can flow, evaporate, rain, freeze and is always in some form of constant change.

As you are in the flow of creating, you see things that are to be added to that creation, add them to it; and after trying them for a while, they do not work, take them away.  Do not be attached to the outcome, it may negate the creative flow or the magic that is inherently yours.  Dare to dream. Dare to own your creations.  Dare to play, and if at any moment you are not enjoying the process, dare to re-create.  Dare to make mistakes with your creations.

We are in an evolutionary process that now changes from one second to the next.  As we move from one vibrational level to the next, it moves with us and we start to change those creations more fluidly every day.  When we start creating in circular time, the concept will open more doors for us now than we have ever had before.

When you express the infinite self, or the spirit self, in the physical form, you activate true rejuvenation.  You are not defined by how young your body is when you return to the place from which you came. You are defined by how you express your spirit in human form.  That is when the timeline starts wrapping around and becoming circular.  At that point, you understand fully the entire concept of walking backward in time.  At that point, time does not have the same features that you believe it has now.  If you can learn that each step has magic, and learn the art of finding that magic in each step, you will master the journey of creation.  Change your perception and you change your reality.  It is not about what you have accomplished or what vibrational level you are or what degrees you have or how much money you make.  Are you happy with the process you are in today?  If at any time you are not happy with the reality you have created… have the courage to choose again.

Be centered in your own energy first.  In this state you allow the universe to be built around you, not as a lone island but as a unique part of the universe.  In order to express that in human spirit, you must find the center of your needs.  Place that first and everything else will fall into place very magically.  You are moving forward at a very rapid pace, and in the near future, how long you live will not be important for it emphasizes the finite being.  You are not defined by the number of breaths you take. You are defined by the number of experiences that take your breath away.  You are the creators. You are the loved ones.  You are the chosen ones that have agreed to represent heaven in the linear timeframe on Earth.

We have talked before about staying open and keeping your energy flowing.  We are now adding the word fluid to the things you create.  It is about your fluid motion through this timeline as you move through creations.  There is only one way to give actualization to any moment in that fluid timeline and that is in order to keep anything, you must give it away.  There are times when you learn something in your own experience as a great epiphany and you go, “Ah ha!” At hat moment the first thought you have is how it applies in your life and the second thought is “how am I going to put this in a box and give it to somebody else?”  These are the teachers, and they are wired in such a way that the way they learn is to teach others.  To keep anything, find a way to give it away.  Find a way to offer it; find a way to spread that light for it is not the destination; it is the motion of traveling light. It is the motion, the movement of creation energy that defines you in human form as the most beautiful angels on Earth.

We keep telling people to go within for the answers; you only have to remember your questions.  You are the expression of God in finite form.

Many of you will state, “How is this level different from Level Eight: Aging, Going into Immortality-Triple Point, or Level Eleven: The State of Oneness, or whatever….”  This level is a step beyond Level Eleven: The State of Oneness.  Speaking in the simplest form, this level is the connection, made beyond the Veil of Fears, that blends all like hearts as one or you are in harmony with the All That Is.  Universal Chi is a Universal life force that we have not been able to tap into until our physical bodies were clear enough (crystalline based) to receive this high level of vibration.  Our physical body up to this point has been too dense.  This energy (Universal Chi, Harmony) can only be accessed by individuals that have gone beyond the Veil of Fears and have done their work to shift their carbon based body to the crystalline based body.   This connection makes us a part of you.

We have existed in human form battling against all the various forms of fear that have been thrown at us.  By experiencing all these fears that have been circulating around each of us we have become stronger by staying open to the flow of energy and centered in our own power.  We have not given up our power to the fear.  Just think of the national disasters that have caused world class wave of fear that have circulated around the globe.  Just to name a few, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, tsunami wave, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, aids and other diseases, just to name a few.  We are still here staying centered, grounded, and neutral.   These events, or like events, had to happen before this level could be introduced to human kind.  We are now strong enough to hold and channel this energy and still remain in physical form.

For those of you who have known us for a long time may remember us stating that we were finished after Level One.  Boy, were we wrong.

The lyrics to this song by Country-Pop Singer, Paula Cole, talks about the portals that are opening up within each of us and it seems fitting at this time.


Heart Door

From “Sweet November” soundtrack


There is a diamond inside of me that lights up the sky of my soul

Where fell the diamond when I believed that all of the hurt was my fault

I’m opening the heart door, letting in the light

Opening the heart door and giving life to me that died

You ended up so with that person who comes home too late from the bar

I ended up so when my courage could finally walk on its own

When I finally opened the door

I’m opening the heart door, letting in the light

Opening the heart door and giving life to me that died

You ended up so with that person who comes home too late from the bar

I ended up so when my courage could finally walk on its own

When I finally opened the heart door



Price: $555.00

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