Level 26: Opening Your Personal Amalgam Portal


So, this level is like a primer for time travel within dimension we live now. You will be provided comprehensive details as to how to time travel into the future and into the past within the reality you reside.  We are not going to say this is easy because it takes a lot of practice on your part, as it did for us. To begin with, you will travel using your essence. As you become more adept you will take more and more of yourself with you.

We kept asking and the answer that we kept getting was “Now is the time.”  If you have done any research on this topic at all, you will come across many vocabulary terms that deal with time and other dimensions. We have been receiving glimpses into other times and places for many years. To begin with, the only time that exists is the present moment. You have learned to remain centered, grounded and in balance through many difficult situations without going into fear, anger, judgment or ego in the past.  Your energy needs to be open and flowing without restrictions. (Levels 20 and 24 are suggested before having this Level work done.) Price $888.00

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Opening Your Personal Amalgam Portal

This level is the first time that we received instructions on how to do this level before we received the information as to what the level was.  We were very confused.  So, this level is like a primer for time travel within dimension we live now. You will be provided comprehensive details as to how to time travel into the future and into the past within the reality you reside.  We are not going to say this is easy because it takes a lot of practice on your part, as it did for us.  To begin with, you will travel using your essence.  As you become more adept you will take more and more of yourself with you.

We feel that you need to practice this level like a child learning how to walk, by taking baby steps.  This could also be compared to learning how to drive a car.  You are not allowed to drive a car until you have reached a certain level of maturity or age and passed a written and driving exam. Many of you have had children, who have come to you after they have met all of the prescribed requirements for driving, and asked to borrow the car.  You give them the keys, and let them go.  This is the same feeling we have with this level, happy, excited and proud.  For those of you who have reached the proper level of maturity, passed all the tests, it is time for us to give you the keys to time travel.

When we were writing and organizing the information for this level, we started to question the timing for this level but continued to proceed with great reservation (not out of fear).  We kept asking and the answer that we kept getting was “Now is the time.”  If you have done any research on this topic at all, you will come across many vocabulary terms that deal with time and other dimensions. Our first question to our hypnotherapy clients when we were actively doing past life regressions was, “Why do you want to go back in time?  How will this help you in this lifetime?” This is a skill that is like any tool you have the ability to use that comes with a warning label.

We have been receiving glimpses into other times and places for many years. We set the intent of the client before the healing process was started with an individual and allowed these beings from other dimensions to come and assist us with whatever we were doing.  We knew how to open portals for other dimensions to come to us but did not know what we were doing to get to other dimensions.  We had to slow this process down to realize what we were doing. We can now Open Your Personal Amalgam Portal and provide you the directions as to what to do. Webster defines amalgam as, a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things.  That is what has happened in discovering the “How to,” for this level.

To begin with, the only time that exists is the present moment. You have learned to remain centered, grounded and in balance through many difficult situations without going into fear, anger, judgment or ego in the past.  Your energy needs to be open and flowing without restrictions.  Your vibrational rate needs to be constant while on your journey.

Matthew’s message dated August 29, 2008 talks about synchronicity.  His message states that, “Synchronicity is nothing less than the universe in operation. What you perceive as random events, chance meetings, good or bad luck, isolated incidents, and especially what you call “coincidences” actually are energy in motion in perfectly defined and aligned directions to achieve specific results.

The synchronous process is like a stretch of dominoes on end – when the first domino falls against the second, a chain reaction flows until the last domino has fallen.  While that is the simplest way to explain the workings of synchronicity insofar as one situation affecting the next and the next and so on, it is not an accurate explanation because the domino line had a first and last object. Synchronicity has no beginning and no ending – like the universe, is always in motion – and synchronous happenings are not as obvious as a straight line.  True, certain happenings in a lifetime stand out from the myriad of others because of their greater importance and direct tie-ins to those may be held in significance as well, but those, too, are surrounded by the “before” and the “after.”  Synchronicity is the series of situations required to manifest the intended results of the participants.  If you could know the profound importance to your soul of your consciousness acting upon your variety of inspirations, motivations and intuitions, yet the simple reason for ALL the happenings, you would understand that Earth is a stage for all of you to play out the karmic roles you chose.  The “importance” is the soul’s chosen mission that is being relayed to your consciousness via those nudging; the “simple reason” for all happenings is that you manifested them by your free will choices… You do of course participate in synchronous happenings, but you are not responsible for creating the circumstances or contacting the people who will be the links.  Countless sources of energy come into play for each life, arranging the opportunities for connecting the links.  But as always, free will is honored, so at each “open door” – or, new acquaintance or event – everyone may respond as he or she wishes.  The value of recognizing that nothing happens by coincidence cannot be emphasized too strongly.  It invites – compels! – you to look at your life in a new light by understanding the significance of the synchronous threads that have woven its design.  When you realize that happenings are purposeful, that they are guidelines and open doorways to karmic completion, you can proceed with more confidence, more excitement, more fulfillment and joy as you live this life in preparation for the next.”

Looking back at all the different levels of work, you can clearly see how they all have assisted us in getting us ready for this Level 26.  Two key levels that play an important part for your success in this level are Level 20 (which helps you to wire the left and right brain together) and Level 24 (which assists you in defining your purpose).  If you have not done these levels, you should consider doing them before you do this level.


Price: $888.00

If you have any questions, please email us at drsmick@drsmick.com; or if you are “committed” to doing this work, go to your PayPal account, enter our PayPal account information [drsmick@drsmick.com], choose friends and family, and put in the appropriate amount.



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