Phase 2 – Chapter 05: Just Hanging on by a Thread


What we realized is that our souls have never been in this vessel we call the human body.  There are times when soul can be a great distance from the body (termed out of body) and times when it is close to the body (termed in our body).  Soul is connected to us, the physical body, via a silver thread.  What is it suppose to be?

Our soul has not merged with our physical vessel in this lifetime or any previous lifetime.  In fact our soul has not merged with any dimension.  You have been connected to your soul via the silver thread or cord – but not merged.  Your vessel has always been temporary on for that lifetime.  Your soul will remain connected and outside your physical body (vessel) in any future dimension that you are working toward reaching.  With this thought in mind, “How can you ascend in this lifetime without merging your soul with your physical vessel?”  We merge your soul into this lifetime’s physical vessel and by doing so will be the precursor to merging your soul with all future dimensions.  Once you are “merged”, becoming one with the physical body and soul – you will be able to use all your psychic talents, (seeing, hearing, knowing, etc.) in ALL dimensions. Cost $888.00

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Just Hanging on by a Thread!!!

With all the new energies that are bombarding us, does it ever feel like it is getting harder to hold on and what we call “Stay in Your Body” or “Ground”?

This photograph depicts the image that we received in reference to our soul (silver balloon) hanging on to a human vessel via a silver thread.  There are times when soul can be a great distance from the body (termed out of body) and times when it is close to the body (termed in your body).  What we realized (and were shown) is that our souls have never been in this vessel we called human body. It is (as we have said) connected to us via a silver thread.  Interesting, what does this mean? And further – why does it matter?  What is it supposed to be?

Are we really from somewhere else? Was our intention only to be here a short period of time?  Do we have to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice?

If we merge our soul into the physical body will we be trapped here forever? If our soul (that which lives on from one life to another) actually accepted the human form of the species living on planet Earth, is there any danger?  Why would I want to do this?  Would I feel claustrophobic or have anxiety attacks?

 Each lifetime that we have lived we have been working through and learning from one lifetime taking that knowledge and information and applying it to the current lifetime.  But, we have been told time and time again that we perhaps have been programmed to be limited, not to succeed, to fail, etc. in previous lifetimes and carry this limitation, lack of success, etc. into the next lifetime.  One indication of this was how we were affected by the negative programming of crystal implants that were removed in Level One.  By having the crystals removed it was like taking the first step in reclaiming who we are and reestablishing our purpose or footprint in this lifetime without limitations.  Of course, limitations themselves are patterns.  Just because something is removed doesn’t mean the pattern is gone.  The limiting patterns are released when you become aware of the patterns and consciously remove them.

We now have finally reached the point of taking the next important step on our quest.

Can we break this cycle?  Have you chosen to ascend with your body when the opportunity arises this time around?  You get to make choices for your future.  Changing, remaining flexible and adapting is a sign of your own personal evolution growth which will always continue because your learning never stops.  You can better adapt to tidal flow of the ever-changing influx of energy.

What would happen if we truly were in harmony with our physical reality and with Mother Earth?  We realized immediately if we were in harmony with our physicality and Mother Earth, we could fulfill our mission and Mother Earth’s mission abundantly and in balance.   We would be working together supporting each other’s wishes.  But then, if we anchor into the 3rd dimension, will this limit us?  Does it “bind” us to just the 3rd dimension or is it the first step we should take in merging with all the dimensions?

What we are saying is, “Your soul has not merged with your physical vessel in this lifetime or any previous lifetime.”  In fact our soul has not merged with any dimension.  You have been connected to your soul via the silver thread or cord – but not merged.  Your vessel has always been temporary only for THAT lifetime, so don’t get egocentric and say you are above all this or don’t have to do this.  Your soul will remain connected and outside your physical body (vessel) in any future dimension that you are working toward reaching.  With this thought in mind, “How can you ascend in this lifetime without merging your soul with your physical vessel?”  It is impossible.  So this chapter of work involves merging your soul into this lifetime’s physical vessel (human body) and by doing so will be the precursor to merging your soul with all future dimensions.  If you choose to do this work on your own, it will be a much harsher forced melding when the time comes which may take more than this lifetime.

Your guides or angels cannot do this for you; this has to be done by someone in the physical 3D world.  Your guides or angels do not know how to do this or this would have been done in other lifetimes.

Some people may compare this chapter of work to soul retrieval.  This is not soul retrieval; this is merging your soul completely into your physical vessel (your body).  You (in all probability) have done some aspect of soul retrieval (bringing back to you something that was lost); again this is not soul retrieval.

There is something else that we have been thinking about.  When you soul travel, do you take your body with you?  To us, this is another verification that our soul has not merged with the physical body.  When we practiced this technique many years ago, one thing that we would do is to have our soul go to the other side of the room and look back at the physical body.  We thought it was a lot of fun at the time.  Wouldn’t it be fun if we could soul travel but take our bodies with us?

Also, if you are one of the individuals that think you can’t see, can’t hear, can’t feel – perhaps it is because your soul never merged with you physical vessel in that dimension?  Once you are “merged” becoming one with physical body and soul – you will be able to use all your psychic talents, (seeing, hearing, knowing, etc.) in ALL dimensions.

So if you look back over your current lifetime, we have survived quite the lineup of celestial events and now we sit poised to recreate our new outlook on life.  Our operating systems are not the same as they were before and we do not have the manual to operate the new system.  When we merge our soul with our vessel, will we have the same focus and purpose?  Only time will tell.

One thing we do know is that you will be more present and exist in a reality of centeredness and truth.  You will have a stronger voice and be more creative in your field of expertise.  You will have to learn to prioritize and filter your choices when expressing your point of view.  Not everyone will appreciate your new-found center of power.  You will be more creative in many aspects of your interests and it may be even more difficult to rest for the intuitive channels will be wide open for you.  We would suggest that you keep a notebook handy to record the ideas that will come to you.  This is such a powerful chapter in our life – a powerful next step, ascension in our physical vessels.

Due to the amount to time involved (several days working 4-5 hours per session, it all depends on how much the individual can handle/readiness at the time we are working with you. We are merging your soul with ALL your dimensional bodies – one at a time, starting with the 3rd dimension.  It cannot be done as a “batch”… your guides/angels/help are really no help with this process.).



Price: $888.00

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