Just a little news…

Just a little news…

Our monthly webinar’s topic this month is intuition… types, how to access, etc… Join us:  (Hey, it’s free….)  at:

Time: Tuesday, May 14th at 5:00pm Pacific

Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

Phone number: (206) 402-0100

PIN Code: 677086#

To attend, visit:


Also, it is nearing the end of our Radical Balance Special…this is one of the best offers we have put together in years….  Check it out…. Really, it is more beneficial than you can imagine… With everything going on, it is really difficult staying in balance….  This will not only balance your energy but also clean up, clear up,  get rid of all kinds of crap…. Added to the calmness and centeredness you will achieve; hyperlink is: http://drsmick.com/2013/04/2013-spring-radical-balance-plus/

Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day…. diane

Theme: Overlay by Kaira